Reiki Energy Healing, Private Yoga and Intuitive Readings | energyofwellness.com

Yoga Teacher
What Can a Qualified Yoga Teacher Do For Your Health?
You don't have to be a fitness expert to understand that yoga can make a dramatic and positive impact on your overall health and wellness. Yoga is a foundational tool that blends physical fitness, mental dedication, and meditative relaxation into a set of movements that can leave you feeling renewed and energized. If you are looking to transform your physical and mental wellness, consider setting up a private or small group yoga session and discover how yoga can lead you to a better way of living!
Here at Energy of Wellness, we understand and embrace the healing powers of Vinyasa Yoga. I have more than 25 years of experience practicing and teaching Vinyasa Yoga. This style of yoga is most well-known for the fluid stringing of postures as we navigate one form after another. Also known as flow yoga, Vinyasa Yoga is as stimulating for your body as it is for your mind. The health benefits of yoga are hard to ignore, from reduced anxiety to improved moods, you will wish you started sooner.
Wellness takes many different forms, the least of which includes your mind. Wellness through yoga can be a great way to ground yourself, refocus your mind, and get back to work in an effective way. Here at the Energy of Wellness, our yoga sessions are led by fitness expert Eileen Mercolino. Eileen is a certified yoga instructor, an Integrative Wellness Counselor, an Intuitive Guide, and a Reiki Energy Healer with over 25 years of experience.